Redefining Plastic Free July: Promoting the Importance of Plastic Recycling

The international Plastic-Free July movement makes July a special month in the summer calendar. It's a month dedicated to raising awareness about plastic pollution and encouraging people and businesses to come up with innovative ways to cut back on plastic waste. Do you know that many people believe that Plastic-Free July means total avoidance of plastic? Wait, did you think that as well? To be completely honest, a lot of people find it difficult. Let's clarify the facts, though! The goal of Plastic-Free July is not to lead an unreachable plastic-free life. Instead, it revolves around a more practical approach: embracing the principles of reuse, reduce, and recycle.

In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at one of the most crucial principles — recycling; and how it helps reduce plastic waste. We bet this will change your perspective about Plastic-Free July, so keep reading! 

The Importance of Plastic Recycling:

Plastic recycling isn’t just about creative DIYs, but its a key weapon in the battle against plastic pollution. By recycling plastic waste, we can drastically reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills or as litter in our environment. Because recycling uses less energy and raw materials than creating new plastic from scratch, it also conserves important resources. Additionally, it aids in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions linked to the creation of plastic, hence combating climate change.

We at PiperWai, not only offer natural products but also support sustainable packaging using recycled plastic and aluminum. Unlike many alternative options, recycled plastic offered a more eco-friendly solution without compromising on safety. For instance; 

Bioplastics, while seemingly greener, have their downsides, requiring vast land usage, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, and lacking proper infrastructure for decomposition.

Paper packaging, on the other hand, demands excessive water usage and fails to maintain product freshness.

Glass, often seen as a green option, has its drawbacks, with high greenhouse gas emissions during production and increased carbon footprint during transportation due to its weight. According to a study published in the Journal of Cleaner Production, the energy consumption of glass production is nearly three times that of plastic production.

PiperWai's choice of recycled plastic aligns with their commitment to reducing environmental impact, promoting recycling, and contributing to a more sustainable future. If you're interested in recycled plastic and its corresponding identification codes, you can find further information here. Let's dive in and explore how PiperWai is making a difference while keeping you fresh!

Recycled Plastic: Plastic packaging is often a major contributor to environmental pollution. However, We recognized the potential of recycled plastic in minimizing waste and opted for this innovative approach. By utilizing recycled plastic for the packaging of our Natural Deodorants, we help reduce the demand for virgin plastic production and prevent additional plastic from entering the waste stream. Isn't this a smart way to repurpose already-used plastic resources?

Aluminum: PiperWai didn't stop at recycled plastic alone. We took it a step further by incorporating aluminum packaging into our Body Wash & Underarm Oil. There’s no doubt that Aluminum is a highly sustainable material due to its infinite recyclability. It can be recycled indefinitely without losing its quality. By embracing aluminum, we have chosen a packaging material that is both eco-friendly and efficient in terms of resource usage. 

Joining the Plastic-Free Revolution:

Plastic-Free July serves as a reminder that each one of us has the power to make a difference. By choosing brands like PiperWai, with its sustainable packaging, we contribute to the reduction of plastic waste. But it doesn't stop there! Here are a few beginners tips for embracing a plastic-free lifestyle:

  1. Carry a reusable water bottle, coffee cup, and shopping bag wherever you go.
  2. Say no to single-use plastic straws and cutlery by carrying your own reusable alternatives.
  3. Choose products with minimal packaging or packaging made from recycled or biodegradable materials.
  4. Support local businesses that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
  5. Spread the word! Encourage friends, family, and colleagues to join the virgin-plastic-free movement.


Plastic-Free July is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness about the global plastic pollution crisis and take meaningful steps towards a more sustainable future. PiperWai is commited to using recycled plastic and aluminum in our packaging. By choosing brands that prioritize sustainability, like PiperWai, we can contribute to reducing plastic waste and inspire change within the industry. Let's work together to create a cleaner, greener planet for generations to come!